Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Pictures!

What more can I say? This boy is ADORABLE!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts of an 11 year old Sis-to-be...

Every time I pass a boy toy in a store or anywhere, I think, "Luke will like that!!" Then I think, "Wait. I haven't even met Luke." I think if I had enough money I'd buy all the sweets and toys in the world for Luke. I'm going to spoil him!

I keep wondering if we will be those once-in-a-blue-moon kind of siblings that never fight and are best friends, or if he'll be the kind to take my diary and stuff and show it to his friends and get on my last nerve, or if I'll be such a softie I won't care. :)

I wonder who he'll be friends with. Will he be shy, outgoing, or in-between? Will he like baseball, soccer, basketball, or football? Will he take to Matt or Dunnivan or Tyler or Silas or Reid?

I wonder what his voice will be like...high pitched and quick, or deep and slow. Or will he eventually grow into a bit of a southern accent like Colt has or willl he have a Chinese accent? I wonder what his crying will sound like and what his laughing will be like.

I wonder if he'll take a little bit after mom or dad or me or Colt. Colt has taken after mom and dad.

God Bless,
Hugs, Joy

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I recently found this site called Polyvore! It gives you hundreds of items and you can make collages! I joined, and I thought I'd show you some of my sets. Here is my favorite.

This was my first:

And some of my other favorites:

Dancing Ever AfterFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Here we Go AgainFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore
You should really check it out! I hope you enjoyed! We are still waiting on our TA, and working on sending another package to Luke! I'll keep you posted.
Joy =]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to be Beautiful...

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone."

-Audrey Hepburn

Thank you Cassie for letting me use this quote!
Isn't this wonderful? I thought it was very true.

Have a great week everybody!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Next Stop: Luke!

Luke, here we come!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My report on Karen Kain

In my History, I'm learning about Canada. I was assigned to make a report about a famous person from Canada, so I chose Karen Kain, a Ballerina.

Karen Alexandra Kain was born on March 28th, 1951, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She was the child of Charles Alexander(an electrician), and Winifred Mary(A Real Estate Agent). She attended the National Ballet School of Toronto, Canada, when she was 11, in 1962, and graduated in 1969. After graduating, she went on to be the principal dancer of the National Ballet School of Canada, and soon after became the most well-known dancer in Canada! She married Ross Peterson.

In 1973, she got two silvers in the Second National Competition, one in the women's division, and another for best pas de Deux(A ballet performance danced by a male and female dancer) with Frank Augustyn. She retired from dancing for a little while in the late 1970's. In 1980, she came back and kept on dancing at the National Ballet of Canada, then retired 15 years later in 1997. During her time, she toured Korea and Japan, and in all danced in 56 performances, and was on TV numerous times.

She is now the President of the Dancer's Transition Centre. She is a great dancer, and was very talented and loved. She has honorary degrees from 5 universities, and in May of 1998, the French Goverment named her the Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters. Miss Karen Kain returned to the National Ballet of Canada, and is part of the Seniors Management Team.

Hope you enjoyed!
Blessings and Love,

Monday, May 10, 2010

For Today… Monday, May 10th, 2010.

Outside my window... Birds tweeting, trees swaying, very sunny.

I am thinking... about my report for Karen Kain, a Canadian ballerina.

I am thankful ... that I have family and friends God has blessed me with.

I am wearing... Justice for Girls blue&white peace sign Tee-Shirt, and blue jean worn bermuda shorts.

I am remembering... that I won't be able to go on Pointe until I go through two years of Ballet 3...

I am creating… Visions in my head for the story I'm going to write...

I am going... No where! Staying home for the day! Dance on Wednesday and Thursday, though.

I am reading... "Plain Girl," one of my school books. Almost done!

On my mind... Lots and lots of dance!

From the learning rooms… math, reading, science, history, spelling/english, Bible, Guitar, Piano, Dance.

Noticing that... My candy's almost gone. Wuh-Woh!

Pondering these words... "To believe IN Jesus is one thing. To believe Jesus is another." (Words from our Mother's Day sermon)

From the kitchen… Not really sure yet...

Around the house... My mom teaching piano lessons, my dad typing on his work laptop, the printer buzzing.

One of my favorite things: Playing on my new disc swing, which I can't do today since it rained! Stupid rain. Lol.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Should be done with school on Thursday, Dance on Wednesday, Dance on Thursday, nothing else for Friday that I know of.

From my picture journal... My future car! :] Woohoo!

If you would like to join us, visit Miss Peggy!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Second Family

You all know that I take dance. Well I brought my camera to practice Thursday and got some pictures of the girls. They're so fun, and they're like the sisters I never had! :]





Me and my "big sister" Frankie (Big sister is something within the studio, that you get at the beginning of the year)

Frankie and her friend Cheyenne

The Seiniors being CRAZY. They keep us laughing!

(L-R, Mackenzie, Rachel, Leah, and Megan)




And lastly, MEEE! :)

I hope you enjoyed!
Have a great week,
Joy :]

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'll bet you couldn't guess what THIS is by looking at it....

It's lip gloss! Homemade! I got the original recipe from Ana at Girls Corner! She hasn't posted in a while, but I was going down through the blogs I follow, and I saw a post from a while ago called "What to do when you're bored". I was TOTALLY BORED. I had been playing outside almost all day, so I looked through the recipes and stuff to see what she had. We didn't have liquid starch or cornstarch, so I made the lipgloss. My first attempt ended up like the above! It's a redish color. It's cute, don't get me wrong, but not my kinda gloss. What I did with this one: I got vaseline, honey, a sample size portion of Mary Kay's "Simply Pink" lipstick, and red food coloring. I mixed it all together(With a straw)....and VOILA! All credit to Ana! If you wanted it really red, you could use red lipstick.

Then, for this one.....

My personal FAVORITE lip gloss of ALl time, I did the same thing, but instead of red food coloring, I put three samples of "Simply Pink!". So, it gave a shiny pink color. Mom even put some on! Simply Pink is like a lightish pink, but it's kind of bold too. So anything like that would work.

So that's about as crafty as I can get.....Maybe I'll attempt something a little harder later on. But until then, enjoy!

Love and Blessings,

**So I was thinking about starting another Diary Story like I made forever ago. In your comment, tell me which "Adventure" I should do! Here are the choices: Missionary, Egyptian, Chinese, Spanish moving to America, Colonial Times. Help me decide!**
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