When we eat at home for supper, momma and daddy have been making me try a little bit of one of their dishes, because, I'm a VERY picky eater. Now, when I say this, all of you are going to laugh like crazy, but it's an improvement. I have been kind of dreading supper time, but, now, I look on it as an adventure. Tonight, momma fixed loaded mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak(my favorite), gravy, and biscuits. Daddy was going to make me try the potatoes, which I was worried about, but, instead, he let me try the biscuits. I liked them!!!!! They can't compare to chicken, but, I like them!!!!!!!! I'm soooo proud of myself!!!!! Well, I've got to head on to bed. Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Love, Joy
I really like your notebox idea, what a great way to communicate with a busy family. Colt sounds like a great but tipical big brother. My oldest son was 16 yrs older than his baby brother and oh did he get tired of baby brother following him everywhere, now at 46 and 29 they are the best of friends.
You should try the potatoes you might be happily suprised. My DIL wouldn't eat potato salad untill I talked her into taking one bite of mine and now I have to make it for her every time she comes to see me.It's good to just try new things.
I enjoy your post, you are very talented.
Have a great week-end
I'm really proud of you for trying (and retrying) different foods.
I love the notebox and I'm really glad you thought of it. It always makes me smile!
I love you!
I love the notebox idea Joy! How fun! I'm glad you like the biscuits. Good for you for trying new things. By the way that whole dinner sounds very yummy!
Your notebox is a cute idea! Amber likes to write notes to us, too. When she does, she will tip-toe out into the kitchen at night before we go to bed, use a magnet to attach them to the range hood, and then they are waiting for us as a surprise the next morning. :o)
I love the note idea. I love to write notes. :)
Next time just send me those potatoes. I love them too. :)
The notes is a terrific idea. I love the note box.
I still try new foods... I'm a beef or pork chop and potatoes girl :-)
That notebox idea is such a fabulous idea!! How fun!! And good for you for trying new food (i'm a picky eater too!!)
That notebox is a very good idea. We may have to try that for fun!
Leah Kate is a very picky eater too. We're trying to get her to try more things. I read this post to her hoping it would inspire her to try some new things!
Hi. I will use your faithful friday's if that is okay. No, please don't publish mine... i love your blog and comment mine!!!
Hey, Joy!
Guess what?!
We already do the note box! Except we call it the mail box.And we have our own numbers on who we are going to send it to! Isn't that neat?
If you got one of the e-mail I got about me learning French, here's a sentence in French!:
Le Français est amusement ! Peut-ĂȘtre vous devriez l'essayer !
Hee, hee! This is what I said: French is fun! Maybe you should try it!
Thanks for all your e-mails and comments!
Au revoir! :) (good bye!
Love, Lyssie
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