I have finally got around to doing a Faithful Friday's! :D
So, you all probably know I'm doing my solo, right? Well we have this thing called "Polishing" for semester 2 of the dance year. It's after you learned all of your solo. You pick a thirty minute time slot, by yourself or with others (In my case, I'm with a girl who's doing a solo, Kaylin, and my friend Savannah and her sister's duet). I was kind of un-confident because I would forget parts or get stuck. Well, I kept praying and praying and I prayed right before I started dancing, and guess what! I nailed it! :) I'm much more confident. I think I'll be ready for my competition prep thingy Saturday....if my stomach pains let up.
YES. Leave it to me to let up on fruit right at the time I get my solo all ready....and now I can't even dance. It hurts to walk! Please be praying for me. :D I believe God will help!
If you participated in Faithful Friday's, please let me know in your comment so I can stop by! :) Have a great day, God bless,
Love, Joy =D
You are going to do great stop worrying you are too young. You remind me of Ray when he gets worried or upset he has the same thing with his stomach. I will be thinking about you and praying for you. Luke will be here before you know it.
I sure hope your stomach feels better soon for you Joy! I'll be saying prayers for you!
I think your competition prep Sat. will go great! God is always there to help us when we call on him! Our God is good all the time, and all the time Our God is good!
Have a great weekend Joy!
I know you will do fine tomorrow. We're just going to pray that your stomach will not hurt at all. I'm proud of you for putting this in God's hands.
I love you!
Good for you! God always answers prayers! Oh, I hope you will feel better! I will pray!
Have a great day,
Lyssie :)
Yeah I do have it there. Thats weird that you cant see it. Well sometimes I don't see pics on peoples blogs. Just check back every so often to see if you can see it! I also have it in my post. Oh and thanks for the compliments!
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