Friday, July 24, 2009

Faithful Friday

Hiya amegos!!!!! Time for another Faithful Friday post!!!!! Well, this week, I've got yet another dream to share with you!!!

Okay, so I'm meeting all these cartoon characters(btw, I have this dream usually once a year and this was last year's), that includes the animated fox version of Robin Hood. Well, in every other year Robin turned around, winked at me, pushed a button, and-I know it sounds evil, but, electricuted the bad guy(who, btw was fat) and the dream ended happily. Well, this time, everything was happening as usual, then, BAM!!!!!!!! The bad guy actually dodged the electricution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, all the sudden, everything got black, I heard an evil laugh, and a purple blackish greyish whirlwind came up and the devil and his demons with pitchforks started coming out and coming for me!!!!!!!!!! I've always had the wonderful gift of usually being able to know when I'm in a dream. I just bang my head on something in the dream, and I'm awake!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! Well, I realized I was in a dream. I screamed, then I said, "Satan and your demons, get out of my dream IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AMEN!!!!". Then, the demons and devil were gobbled up by the whirlwind, and I woke up.

What a dream, huh?


Fun fact for ya: I read in a magazine for girls that we dream like eight dreams a night, but usually we don't remember them!!!!!

If you have participated in Faithful Fridays, please tell me in your comment and I'll drop by!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week, and thanks to my participaters and followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Joy =D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Is here!!!!!!

Really, I know it's been here for a loooonnngggg time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we've had so much wish-washy weather that you wouldn't know it!!!!!!! Yesterday was so-so; Saturday was the same; Sunday it was soooo cool you would think it was spring or fall!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! I've been doing lots of reading, writing and just hanging out!!!!!

And yesterday Colt brought out his girlfriend and her brothers Caleb(6) and Michael(9), and sis Tabetha(11).

Colt's girlfriend, Amber, is the oldest of 8 kids!

They swam with us and it was really fun!!!!! Tabetha helped me with diving, and she and I chased Michael around the pool and eventually caught him. We all wrestled with Colt and Amber. I carried Caleb around the pool and he asked what kind of bugs were in our storage shed and got scared from the "Dragon Horses"! We told him over and over again.......Dragon Flies, Horse Flies, and he said "NOOOOOOO DRAGON HORSES". LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He ate some of our apples from our apple tree...he called them juicy apples.

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom may have told you on her blog that I'm taking a summer Botany(Study of Plants) science class this summer. Well, on our first day we made "light huts". A seed needs three things to grow: Water(we water our plants in the Light Hut), Air, and Warmth(the light bulb gave off extra warmth and it reflected from the aluminum foil inside the "Hut". Well, I planted a Zinia........

It went from in here as a teeny weeny seed...

To a pretty little pink bloom. Pretty amazing, huh?

Wow! Botany proves God's beyond powerfulness over and over again. It's pretty AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Here's some advantages of summer:

Flip flop season!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidewalk chalk

Pretty flowers



So whatcha doing this summer.....bloggers?


Love, Joy =D

Friday, July 10, 2009

Faithful Fridays

Happy Faithful Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo sorry I didn't do it last week. I have two things to tell and one prayer request. It may be a long post we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all.....a heavenly dream. One night, I dreamed I was upstairs, watching commercials on an old brown tv that had antennas sticking out of it. Well, all of a sudden, a commercial came on that had Jesus with his arms outstretched. Jesus came out of the tv, and hugged me. It made me feel warm all over. I felt so blessed and secure and safe and cozy when I woke that morning.


Another know how we Christians are always talking about telling people about God, but more than half the time we don't do it? Well, I've thought about it alot, and kids could have a BIG impact if they would witness about God....if they had the courage. I have this one cousin named Josh. I know he's not a Christian, because he does really bad stuff. Well, I've always thought, man, his own family must not even tell him about God, or else he wouldn't be doing that stuff. I've always wanted to be the one to tell him about God. Every single family reunion(which we are having tomorrow, btw), I always find myself waiting, waiting, WAITING, until I get the courage to even look him in the eyes, but it never comes. That's how much he scares me. He wears chains, dresses in black, smokes, and just acts scary! Well, I want to share with the kids on blogger, and the blogger's kids how I would tell someone about God.

I would talk to them, and ask them how they're doing. I would just start talking to them about stuff. Then, tell them about a time when I was going through something tough, and I prayed about it, and it got better!!!!!!!! I would tell them I'm a Christian, and that I'm happy everyday because I have God on my side. I would keep a bright smile, and tell them that they can become a Christian, too. God will forgive them if they feel guilty, and he will bless and protect, and love them always. In fact, he already loves them more than anyone who could ever love them. I would tell them he was tortured to death on a cross, so that we could be forgiven of our sins. But three days after he was killed, he rose up from the grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom, dad, and I are reading a book every night called the Case for Christ. It is REALLY good. All the doubts anyone could have about Jesus would be completely banished from their mind. This guy didn't believe in Jesus when he set out to find out if his story was true, but then, he searched all the evidence, and....well, I won't spoil it for you, but, I totally reccomend it!!!!

I have a prayer request, too. You know Uncle Richard, our friend from the Ozarks? Well, he and his wife just got a doctor's report that it's a possibility that he may have cancer. Please pray that this isn't true. Thanks.


If you participated in Faithful Fridays, let me know in a comment, and I'll check your post out. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love, Joy =D
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