Hey everybody. I'm sorry I haven't posted. I'm glad you still stick with me. If you follow me, I'm sorry I don't follow you yet....I have been really busy because we just got back into dance and taekwondo, and gym, and everything.
So for this week, I'm thankful for two things: first, I am almost back to normal from the flu. Just pray with me that I NEVER get the flu again(I've actually been praying I never get SICK again). Also pray for the people in Mexico and all over from this Swine Flu. I heard a 12-year old girl got it and they closed down her Catholic school. She lives not THAT FAR away from us. PRAY! That's the only word I have. Pray for us and everybody around us. The second thing, on a brighter note, is that MY GLORIOUS GOD has lead me to a new hobby......photography. I love posing people and taking it from just the right angle, and seeing people smile. The camera feels wonderful in my hands. At the end of gym day Tuesday, my mom and I and another lady and her 6-year old daughter were the only ones left, so Riley(the girl) was my model. Here are the pics. You'll have to excuse the bus behind EVERY picture!!!!! lol!!!! Sorry!!!! I'm learning to watch for things in the background!
My mom's favorite:
What do you think?
My favorite:
She is really pretty, isn't she?
Which one is your favorite?
Also, I won't be posting very much after this until around the first of June. Probably once a week. It's most likely going to be things like photography and Faithful Fridays, and other people's giveaways. I will try to visit your blogs...but PLEASE!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!! Don't give up on me!!!!!!!!! I have rehearsals four times a week sometimes this month for my three recitals I have in one day on May 30th. I'll try to post as much as I can, though. I'll be posting the end to my Mexican Girl Diary soon. I am also thankful for another thing I forgot to add. Connor, the little boy I told you about, has nothing wrong with him!!!!! They did a test, and it was just some medicines they had him on!!!!! YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!
If you did Faithful Fridays, Let me know in a comment, and I'll try to stop by. Thanks!!!
Love, Joy
I'm so glad you love photography! Hmmm..wonder where you might get that? :) You took some really cute pictures of Riley. She is pretty! You did well with posing too! You'll learn as you go...I'm still learning!
Love you! 10!
I don't expect you to read my blog... least not all the time ;-) My post is hereMy prayers are there.
She is very pretty. You are doing great with your photography. I like the one with her on the bench the best and then the second one. I still forget about the background :-)
I think I like the 1st and the 3rd the best but I think she is cute no matter how you pose her and so are you..glad to hear you are feeling better..take care and happy picture taking..lets see some of your precious kitty posing..:)
Great pictures Joy. You are a really good photographer. I will miss you posting but I understand you are busy. Good luck with your recital.
I love your article and pictures of Riley! They are really good. Riley was very happy to see herself on your blog. How very sweet of you.
Be Blessed,
Hi Joy,
Sounds like you have a very busy month ahead. I will look forward to your posts to hear what's going on. I always loved photography too! I think my favorite picture is the first one. Your model is a cutie!
Take Care,
Hi Joy,
I really liked the pictures of Riley,You did a great job. You do a really good job on your blog too.I need to start reading your blogs more often.
Love Grandmama
Hey, Joy,
Guess what??!! Well, two things actully. :) First, I like to take pictures too! It's really fun to pose people, don't you think? You took soe really good pictures of Riley!
Second, I have a recital on ay thirtieth too! Wow!
Talk to ya soon!
Love, Lyssie
Hey Joy how are you doing? I am good and happy that your all better! Great pictures my favorites are the 1st and 3rd one!
Love, Madison
hi joy! this is my first comment that i have left on your blog but i have seen it before.i love your music that you posted a while ago and those pics look great!!! can't wait to get your next letter.:)
love, julianna
You took some great pictures! I love photography too. I never go anywhere without my camera!
Don't worry about not posting. It's a busy time for all of us and we all have lives outside of blog world, right? We'll all be here whenever you get a chance to post!
Glad to hear you're feeling better Joy! I'll pray for your continued good health!
I like all the photos you took but my favorite is the one with Riley on the bench! All great!
Sorry Joy but I've decided not to do Faithful Fridays. We just have been really busy. But I will still comment and visit your blog everyday!!!
Love, Madison
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