Halloo!!! Thanks for not giving up on me!!! I will try to at least stop by to see your Faithful Fridays post.
This week, I want to tell you about a lady at our local nursing home, Ms. Ollie. She was-and still is-a family friend of ours before she got Alzheimers, and had to enter the nursing home. Now, when she first had to live there, she prayed that she would go on home to Jesus shortly after, but, she didn't. About a week ago, she was diagnosed with Cancer.....in her chest. Her family keeps praying that she will stop suffering, and go to Jesus in her sleep, but, I just can't. I have been, and will continue to pray for her wellness. And, halfly, that prayer has been answered. My friend, Molly Grace, scared me Thursday, when we went to visit and play Bingo. She came to me, and said, "JOY!!!" "Ollie's not in her room." I said, "But, she's not dead." We searched around and found her sitting up in a wheelchair, herself and everything. They took away her walker(the walker held her in it, but allowed her to get into her room, walk, and sit.), but, she was responding very well....better than ever. I asked one of the workers if she was doing better, and she said she wasn't better, but she was stronger, and she said that she had her good days and her bad ones. But-HALLELUJAH!-SHE'S STRONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA-YEH!!! Please continue to pray for her.
If you have participated in Faithful Fridays, please let me know in your comment, and I will try to stop by. Thanks!!!!
Guess what!!!! My next post is my 50th. You know what that means..........GGGGGIIIIVVVVEEEEEAAAAWWWWWAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!111 GIVEAWAY!!! BE READY!
Love, Joy =D
Hi, Joy! I've been missing your posts! I hope you have a nice Easter! Oh, and by the way, I did Faithful Fridays...
Ms. Karen
I do love going to the Nursing Home and I'm so glad you love it too! I'm praying for Ms. Ollie too! I know the Lord will bless you, Molly Grace, and Kasey for what you do there!
I love you!
Joy, it is so wonderful that you enjoy going to the nursing home along with your Mom and friends, to visit the people that are there. It means so very much to them! :) I know that my father looked forward to the people who would come in his room to visit with him. It brought so much happiness to him, and I'm quite certain to the other people as well... They all are so sweet, that's for sure!
I will also say prayers for your friend Ms. Ollie.
You and your family have a very Blessed Easter Joy!
Love & Blessings,
Awwwhhh....I will be praying for Ms. Ollie also!!
LoL! When you asked me what level I played on in Guitar Hero LoL! Ummmm "Easy".....:D
What level do you play on?
~A Southern Girl~
Joy I know all your friends at the Nursing home looks forward to seeing your smiling face. I will keep your friend Ms. Ollie in my prayers.
Happy Easter
Ms. Molly
Hey, Joy!
That's really nice of you that you really care about Ms. Ollie!
I'll try to remember to do Faithful Fridays!
I can't till your give away!....
Love, Lyssie
I missed doing Faithful Fridays. I promise next week.
I enjoyed reading your post. I will keep Ms Ollie in my prayers.
I understand you are sick. You are in my prayers.
Joy when you feel like it, I have a 8 only meme for you to take part in...stop by my blog and check it out.
Get well soon.
MS Molly
I'm missing your posts! I'll be glad when you're over this flu stuff! I miss your energetic self! :)
Love you to the moon and back again! :) 10!
I just wanted to pop in and say hi and tell you I have missed you posting. I hope you feel better soon!
You are tagged! Come and see my blog! When you feel better, of course. Get better soon.
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