Hi, everyone! :)
So, I'm really, really late this week. And I'm so sorry about that! Everytime I've sat down to write my post, I haven't been able to finish it. Christmas time tends to get pretty busy for us...with Christmas movies, music, decorating, shopping, all that stuff. :) It's definitely important to remember through all of it the only reason why we celebrate Christmas--God's gift to the world--Jesus!
Faithful Fridays is a weekly linky party hosted on my blog. I made it so that Christians could have one special day out of the week (Friday) to share something from their Christian walk on their blog. If you'd like to participate, write your post, grab the button from the Faithful Fridays page on my blog (so that it will link back here), and come link up at the bottom of this post! :)
Do you ever get caught in this moment where it feels like everything is coming at you from all sides and nothing's going right? People disappoint you, your feelings are up and down, and your mind is like a pinball in a pinball machine (boing boing bing boing boingy bing!).
Let's take a look at this:
1. Sometimes our circumstances get crazy. You get majorly sick before a big event, you lose an opportunity you had been looking forward to for awhile, something happens that you never saw coming, and most of all, things just keep changing.
2. People disappoint us. Isn't that just the worst--when you think someone is something, and then you find out the hard way that they're not? It's kind of like having the floor ripped out from under your feet, and it stinks, because you trusted that person, and they let you down.
But it's oh-so-important to remember that we are not to put our faith in men in the first place. That doesn't mean we shouldn't trust anyone, it just means that we shouldn't depend on and put all our stock into them--because they will fail us, at some point or another. And that's just the way it is. Does that mean we have to be all gloom-and-doom, I-don't-like-anyone all the time? No! Of course not. Know why?
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
-Proverbs 18:24
Our God is the friend who sticks closer than a brother. God! The One who made us and this whole wide universe, the One who rules us, is also the One that loves us--so much so that He sacrificed His Son so that we wouldn't be separated from Him. Is that not amazing? And not only that, He promises to stick closer than a brother to us.
Our God is an awesome God.
So, everything is constantly changing--people, things, ideas, culture, situations, circumstances, weather--everything! But the one thing that never changes is God.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
-Hebrews 13:8
God alone is constant. He is our rock. And He's our hope. When people and circumstances and happenings disappoint us, we can still look to Him and know that He will never, ever fail us, and He's waiting for us to stop struggling and come running to Him.
You know when you're a kid, and you get that really stubborn streak where you you're wanting to do everything all by yourself? Your parents are offering to take care of stuff that you obviously can't handle (you're only six, even if it seems to you that you're old enough to take on the whole wide world!), but you just won't have any of it. "I'll do it by myself!" So you struggle and and toil and you might even cry a few tears of frustration, and then finally you look up and say, "I can't do it." And you hand it to your mama or daddy and they get it done in a flash. "All you had to do was ask!"
All you have to do is ask. Run to your Father when things are smooth, easy, and good, and run to him when things are changing and your mind is in knots--He's there for you.
God bless you guys and have a great day! :)
Joy :)
You mentioned so many wonderful things that I am thankful for about the Lord! The fact that God is truly the only unchanging thing in the universe that we can count on is one of the most beautiful parts about serving Him. I love how many times that is mentioned in the bible- he must want us to be sure of that :)
Great analogy of us when we're kids, too. Our Father is always waiting for us to come to Him.
Have a great week, Joy!
God Bless you,
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